4 Different Kinds of Neck Lift Enhancement

Neck Lift is a procedure that helps to enhance the appearance of the neck. Generally neck lift comes with facelift but also the procedure can be done separately. A lot of different procedures and methods are available now and we are going to discuss them including the most known and popular neck lift procedures. 

The following are the various forms of neck lift surgery; (1) Non-surgical Procedure, this method is for those who are scared to get surgical procedure. Non-surgical procedure can be done through injections including profhilo, dermal fillers, and botulinum toxin or more known as Botox; (2) Liposuction, this procedure known to be the body contouring mainly because the procedure will reduce the excess fats through suction technique; (3) Cervicoplasty, is a surgical procedure that will rejuvenate the neck by removing the excess skin and fat, also will help to tighten muscle that causes a baggy and droopy appearance; and, (4) Platysmaplasty, this neck surgery aims to give more contour that will help you for a more lifted and youthful appearance, this procedure will remove or alter your neck muscles.

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There are various kinds non-surgical procedure injections and here are some of them:

  • Profhilo - one of the injectable skin remodeling treatments found in the market. It contains a high volume of Hyaluronic Acid (HA). Profhilo will help in adding structure to skin especially to those people whose skin lacks in volume and elasticity.
  • Dermal Fillers - are injected beneath the skin that will help in restoring lost volume, help to smooth the lines and soften the creases or enhance facial contours since its substances are gel-like that can be easily spread.
  • Botulinum Toxin (Botox) - these injections are usually used to lessen the appearance of wrinkles in the face but there are also some who are using this as a treatment for numerous medical conditions just like hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating.


Giving signs of aging skin can be upsetting for those who want to maintain their youthful appearance, and getting an upgrade is one of their options for maintaining an active appearance. Choosing what type of neck lift improvement strategy to get can be difficult at times, but what you need is assistance from a professional. Get a consultation first before selecting and going through the methodology, and they will control and advise you on what is the best technique for you to have a good result.